Bluestacks App Mac
If you own an iMac, Mac Pro, Macbook Air / Pro you are in luck. Because it is now possible to download the latest free version of BlueStacks for Mac (dmg file) for free from this page.
With BlueStacks App Player for Mac you can run your Android applications from your Mac computer using this emulator without any problem.
BlueStacks App Player for Mac is a great tool for allowing you to run your favorite mobile apps/games in full screen in your browser using a Mac. BlueStacks App Player for Mac Key Features. BlueStacks 0.9.30 for Mac comes as free software that is supported by ads. Download takes a bit longer as the app is 112MB in size. Bluestacks is a highly rated android emulator which helps in installing android apps on personal computers. With bluestacks, you can install “N” number of apps on your pc. It is compatible with all versions of Windows and Mac OS. Let’s see the installation process of bluestacks on your pc today. DOWNLOAD BLUESTACKS WhatsApp on Mac via BlueStacks Using WhatsApp is even easier on your Mac. Instead of looking at tiny screens and using small on-screen keyboards, you have the ability to see your messages clearly on your large, Mac screen. Download BlueStacks App Player for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✔ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version. Is a PC platform. Since you are on your phone, we are going to send you to the Google Play page. (In some cases BlueStacks uses affiliate links when linking to Google Play) Sorry, BlueStacks is.
If you’ve always wanted to run some games or Android apps on your Mac computer and now you can do it thanks to the software BlueStacks 5 for Mac which has been designed for this purpose. You can download this software for any of your Mac computers.
BlueStacks Inc. developers have developed the BlueStacks App player which is an Android emulator for various platforms such as PC or Mac. Through an advanced engineering work your computer will be able to load an Android environment like a mobile phone, Offering the ability to download and run many exclusive Android apps from the OSX operating system.
Actually is compatible with the most of the current applications but its compatibility is not total (completely logical if we consider that there are thousands and thousands of apps) offering in any case a surprising product if we consider how different arquitectures are OSX and Android.
In this article we will teach you the most important features and a small installation guide that will help to the most inexperienced users. The download links are below:

Download BlueStacks for Mac with OSX
- Title: BlueStacks App Player 5.0
- File name: BlueStacksInstaller_5.022.0.2802_f0d74274755272aa2edf6aa4cb1787e8
- File size: 682.9MB (639.806.364 bytes)
- Requisits: iMac, Mac Pro, Macbook Air/Pro (2015/2016)
- Languages: Multiple languages
- Licence: Freeware
- Last update: October 25 2020
- Developer: Bluestack Systems Inc.
- Official website:
Read also: If you own a PC you may be interested in downloading Bluestacks for PC.
Now BlueStacks has a monthly fee of $2 to cover project costs. To be honest is very small investment for the advantages we get from being able to run our games and Android apps under our web browser. Therefore we consider that it is totally recommendable. Although we know that exists cracked versions of the program, we offer only safe and original content of the page avoiding incur any legal problem.
Unlike other websites, we offer quality software free of viruses or any malware which may affect your computer because you will download any version from the official BlueStacks website.
Many of you will install it out of curiosity, although this can also be tremendously useful for web professionals like designers or layout designers. Being an open platform they can analyze user interface of Android apps without having to buy a terminal of this type.
If you are still not sure if you want to install it, read user reviews and you can have a more objective and real opinions about the advantages of having BlueStacks. We hope this helps you.
Install Bluestacks on Mac
First you must download the .dmg file that I described above and execute it (the process takes around 1 minute). A window will open with several icons, We must to double click on the BlueStacks icon and the installation will starts. You will see a warning window about the application is downloaded from the internet so we proceed to authorize and open. Click on continue and keep the options to access the app store and communications, and press continue. After waiting a few minutes we will be given a permission to use location that you must accept. Once this is done BlueStacks will install successfully on your Mac. Just open it and start enjoying.
I hope you find it useful!
If you have any problems with the installation do not forget to read the most common errors in bluestacks.
If you still have any doubts do not hesitate to write us in the contact section.
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Emulation and virtualization software is hugely popular among Mac users who want to run operating systems other than macOS on their computer. While the likes of Parallels Desktop and VMWare Fusion are the most popular tools for running Windows on a Mac, when it comes to running Android, Bluestacks is a widely used option. If you have installed Bluestacks on your Mac to run Android apps, but no longer need it, you should uninstall it to free up space. We’ll show you how to do that in this article.
What is Bluestacks?
It’s an Android emulator for Mac and PC that allows you to run Android apps and games on both platforms. While it’s optimized for games, it can run over 95% of apps on the Google Play store. So, if there’s an Android app or game you wish you could run on your Mac, Bluestacks is the way to do it. Bluestacks is free to download, and once you’ve installed it, while it doesn’t emulate any specific version of Android, its user interface will look familiar. In addition, there’s an icon for the Google Play storefront and center, so you can get started downloading apps and games straight away.
Bluestacks is legal, and as long as you download it from the official Bluestacks websites, it won’t harm your Mac. One of the best things about Bluestacks is that it works with peripherals connected to your Mac, like your mouse, keyboard, and Mac’s webcam. And you can run multiple instances of Android using BlueStacks. So you could play two games at once or use multiple apps simultaneously. Or you could log in from different accounts and play multi-player games against yourself!
How to uninstall Bluestacks on your Mac manually
When you install Bluestacks, it places the application binary in your Applications folder. However, like all apps, it distributes lots of other files in various folders on your Mac. And to uninstall it completely, you need to remove those files, too. Here’s how to do it.
- Go to Applications > Utilities and launch Activity Monitor.
- Search for any processes with Bluestacks in their name.
- If you find any, select them and press the Quit Process button in Activity Monitor’s toolbar.
- Quit Activity Monitor.
- Go to your Applications folder and drag Bluestacks to the Trash.
- Click on the Finder icon in the Dock, then choose the Go menu.
- Choose Go to Folder, and in the text box, paste: ~/Library
- Check each of the folders below for Bluestacks files. If you find any, drag them to the Trash.
/Application Support
Bluestacks App Macbook
- Click on the Go menu again, and this time, in the Go to Folder text box, paste: /Library
- Check the folders listed in step 8 and drag any files with Bluestacks in their name to Trash.
How to uninstall Bluestacks on your Mac easily
There are many steps in the manual method for uninstalling Bluestacks, so you may be wondering if there is an easier way. Well, yes, there is. CleanMyMac X has an uninstaller module that makes it very easy to uninstall any application with just a couple of clicks.
- If you don’t already have CleanMyMac X, you can download it here.
- Once it’s downloaded, install and launch it.
- Choose Uninstaller in the sidebar.
- Locate Bluestacks in the list of apps, check the box next to it, and press Uninstall.
CleanMyMac X will remove every trace of Bluestacks from your Mac, as it will with any app you choose to uninstall. You can even remove multiple apps simultaneously by checking the boxes next to each of the apps you want to delete and then pressing Uninstall.
In addition to uninstalling apps, CleanMyMac X allows you to reset them. Resetting an app returns it to its default state, removing any temporary files and settings that have been added since it was first installed. Often, that’s all you need to do to fix a problem with a crashing or hanging app. To reset an app, do the following.
- Follow steps 1-3, above.
- When you locate the app, click the dropdown next to it and choose Reset.
- Press Reset.
How to uninstall Bluestacks apps
It may be that instead of uninstalling Bluestacks itself, you just want to remove Bluestacks apps. There are two methods for doing that. One uses the My Apps tab in Bluestacks. The other uses Android settings. We’ll show you how to do both.

Uninstall Blustacks apps from My Apps.
- Launch Bluestacks and choose the My Apps tab.
- Click and hold on to the app you want to uninstall.
- You should see an Uninstall icon appear near the top of the Bluestacks window.
- Drag the app over the Uninstall icon and when it turns red, drop the app.
- Click Ok to confirm.
Uninstall a Bluestacks app from Android settings
- Launch Bluestacks and go to My Apps.
- Click on the Settings button at the bottom of the screen (the circle with six dots in it).
- Choose Settings.
- Select Apps.
- Click on the app you want to remove and choose Uninstall.
- Choose Ok to confirm you want to get rid of the app.
App Like Bluestacks For Mac
Bluestacks is an app that emulates Android on Mac. It allows you to download and run Android apps and games. It’s perfectly safe, as long as you download it from the Bluestacks website. However, as with any app, if you’ve installed it and now don’t use it, you should uninstall it to free up space on your Mac. Follow the steps above to do that. If you don’t want to go through uninstalling it manually, you can use CleanMyMac X’s Uninstaller module to complete the job in a couple of clicks.