Bluestacks For Macbook M1

Not yet !


Feb 21, 2021 Mac M1 ของ Apple จะสามารถรันแอป Android ได้ ผ่าน BlueStacks 5. ดูเหมือนว่าแอป Android จะสามารถใช้งานได้บน MacBook และ Mac ของ Apple ที่ทำงานบนชิป M1 ผ่านทางแอปพลิเค. Just to confirm unfortunately, BlueStacks is not supported on Mac computers older than 2014 and Mac computers with M1 chips. We are working on developing this in the future. Please stay tuned on our website for the latest updates!

Run Android applications on your Mac.

Apple silicon status: M1 app still in the early stages of development. There is no ETA for BlueStacks on Mac M1 as of now

Tags: System Utilities, android, gaming, virtualos

Is Apple silicon ready for BlueStacks?, Rosetta 2 support for BlueStacks, BlueStacks on M1 Macbook Air, BlueStacks on M1 Macbook Pro, BlueStacks on M1 Mac Mini, BlueStacks on M1 iMac

Bluestacks For Macbook M1 Price

ProBluestacks on parallels m1

Bluestacks Apple Silicon


By Abdullah Diaa
Email for Enquiries: [email protected]

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