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  1. Sublime Text Package C Language
  2. Sublime Text 3 Download Windows
  • TextWrangler is a free program from the App Store, or you can download Sublime Text, which has an indefinite trial mode (this is our current favourite text editor). How to learn C in Mac OS X: How.
  • JsPrettier is a Sublime Text Plug-in for Prettier, the opinionated code formatter. GitHub - jonlabelle/SublimeJsPrettier: JsPrettier is a Sublime Text Plug-in for Prettier, the opinionated code formatter.

Sublime Text 2 stores the files in /Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Settings, in the.sublimesession files that are located there. The contents of those files are a large JSON blob that contains the individual tab contents.

C/C++/C#/Java code formatter/beautifier with AStyle.



  • Total119K
  • Win65K
  • Mac23K
  • Linux31K
Aug 31Aug 30Aug 29Aug 28Aug 27Aug 26Aug 25Aug 24Aug 23Aug 22Aug 21Aug 20Aug 19Aug 18Aug 17Aug 16Aug 15Aug 14Aug 13Aug 12Aug 11Aug 10Aug 9Aug 8Aug 7Aug 6Aug 5Aug 4Aug 3Aug 2Aug 1Jul 31Jul 30Jul 29Jul 28Jul 27Jul 26Jul 25Jul 24Jul 23Jul 22Jul 21Jul 20Jul 19Jul 18Jul 17




SublimeAStyleFormatter is a simple code formatter plugin for Sublime Text.It provides ability to format C, C++, Cuda-C++, OpenCL, Arduino, C#, and Java files.

NOTE: Syntax files required to be installed separately for Cuda-C++ and OpenCL.


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With the Package Control plugin

The easiest way to install SublimeAStyleFormatter is through Package Control.

Once you have Package Control installed, restart Sublime Text.

  1. Bring up the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+Pon Windows and Linux. ++P on OS X).
  2. Type “Install” and select “Package Control: Install Package”.
  3. Select “SublimeAStyleFormatter” from list.

The advantage of using Package Control is that it will keep SublimeAStyleFormatter up to date.

Manual Install

Without Git:

Download the latest source code,and extract it to the Packages directory.

With Git:


Type the following command in your Sublime Text 2 or Sublime Text 3 Packages directory:

git clone git://

The “Packages” directory is located at:

Sublime Text 2

  • Windows: %APPDATA%Sublime Text 2Packages
  • Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/
  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/

Sublime Text 3

Sublime Text Package C Language

  • Windows: %APPDATA%Sublime Text 3Packages
  • Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/
  • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/



Key Bindings

The default key bindings for this plugin:

Windows, Linux:

  • Ctrl+Alt+F: Format current file.
  • Ctrl+K, Ctrl+F: Format current selection.


  • Ctrl+Alt+F: Format current file.
  • +K, +F: Format current selection.

Command Palette

Open the command palette, it appears as SublimeAStyleFormatter: Format Current File andSublimeAStyleFormatter Format Current Selection.


Per-project Settings

Before starting, you may want to have a look at SublimeAStyleFormatter.sublime-settings.

To edit your project setting, select Project/Edit Project from main menu. A project setting containsper-project settings for SublimeAStyleFormatter should look like this:

For example, if you don't want to inherit the default settings, instead, use your own astylerc file forC and C++ individually, then your project setting might look like this:

What's New


This plugin is using MIT License:


Artistic Style - A Free, Fast and Small Automatic Formatter for C, C++, C#,and Java Source Code.

Licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0


Added in: 3.2

Sublime Text's Git integration includes the following components:

Please note: the following documentation discusses the implementation of the Git integration as seen with the Default and Adaptive themes that are included with Sublime Text. Via the theme engine, it is possible for third-party themes to change the visual presentation of information, in which case the following documentation may not be accurate.

Side Bar

Sublime Text 3 Download Windows

Files and folders displayed in the side bar will include a status badge along the right-hand edge, when modified. This includes files and folder in the Folders section of the side bar, along with files in the Open Files section. Ignored files and folders are de-emphasized in the side bar by reducing the opacity of the name.

When the mouse pauses over a status badge, a tool tip will be displayed indicating the status of the file, or in the case of a folder, the status of the contained files and folders.

Status Badge Key

The following table indicates the meaning of each badge. Please note that the color of the badges will be slightly different as they adapt to the closest hue in the active color scheme.

  • Untracked
  • Modified
  • Missing
  • Staged Addition
  • Staged Modification
  • Staged Deletion
  • Unmerged

When a folder contains files with multiple statuses, the badge most toward the end of the above list will override all others.

Status Bar

When the focussed file us containing within the working directory of a Git repository, the status bar will contain the name of the current branch, along with the number of files that are untracked, modified, staged or unmerged. The status bar element will look like:

Diff Markers

Sublime Text's incremental diff functionality ties in with the Git integration. By default, the incremental diff functionality tracks changes to the file since it was last saved, but it is also possible to diff against HEAD.

Here is an example of what the diff markers look like in action, using the Mariana color scheme:

28A line that was added
30A modified line
31followed by another modified line
33The line before this was deleted

Changing the setting git_diff_target to 'head' will modify the diff markers to display a diff versus the version of the file at the Git repository HEAD, as opposed to the version of the file in the working directory.

See the incremental diff documentation for more information and examples, including instructions for viewing inline diffs, navigating between hunks and reverting changes.

Sublime Merge Integration

The Git features available in Sublime Text were derived from work that went into our other product, Sublime Merge. Sublime Merge is a full-featured, blazing-fast Git client built upon the technologies from Sublime Text.

Since editing source code and prose requires different tools and workflows than managing a Git repository, we opted to integrate the most appropriate Git functionality into Sublime Text, but leave more advanced features in Sublime Merge. The following integration points make it easy to jump into the appropriate Git context:

Editor Context Menu

  • Open Git Repository…
  • File History…
  • Line History…
  • Blame File…

Side Bar Folder Context Menu

  • Open Git Repository…
  • Folder History…

Side Bar File Context Menu

  • Open Git Repository…
  • File History…
  • Folder History…
  • Blame File…

Command Palette

  • Sublime Merge: Open Repository
  • Sublime Merge: Folder History
  • Sublime Merge: File History
  • Sublime Merge: Blame File



Enables Git integration


Controls the behavior of incremental diff for files in a Git repository. Valid values include:

  • 'index' – diff against the Git index
  • 'head' – diff against the file at HEAD
Default: 'index'